Cross-Country Flights
For the student to gain the required experience in solo cross-country operations and obtain the solo cross-country endorsement and experience for repeated cross-country flights.
Stage written exam. This includes the multiple choice questions now available online at:
Or you can find the test questions in the SPORT and PRIVATE PILOT TRAINING SYLLABUS – AIRPLANE. (and typically an additional written test by the CFI for the specific airport to solo).
Ground Check Completion Standards:
Test score of 70% or better and reconciled to 100%.
Flight planning
____ Personal navigation equipment
____ Weather and operational considerations
Pre-flight planning
____ Altitude
____ Courses and distances
____ Speed, time, and heading calculations.
____ Completing the flightlog
____ Fuel calculations
____ Weight and balance
____ Takeoff and landing performance
____ Airport information for intended airports plus diversions
____ Flight log form
____ Flight plan form
____ Airplane documentation and preparation for flight
____ Right-of-way rules
____ Weather discussion
____ Radio communications
____ GPS
____ Pilotage
____ Dead reckoning
____ Flight log kept throughout flights
Flights for Stage 3 Check:
Based on the results of flight lesson 13, the understanding of the items listed in this stage check, and cross -country ground test, additional flights may be necessary. Repeat lessons 11, 12 or 13 as required.
Ground Stage 3 Check:
Pass Stage 3 test with score of 70% or higher, reconciled to 100%.