Advanced takeoffs and landings, emergency landings. Ground lesson 9 must be completed before this flight lesson.
Objective: For the student to become proficient in emergency situations, including system and equipment malfunctions, forward slips to landing, aborted takeoffs, and go-arounds.
Assignment for this lesson: Read and understand FAA Airplane Flying Handbook Chapter 16 Emergency Procedures” as specified in “HPTS Sport Pilot Guide of What to Study”.
- Set up the weather to be calm with no turbulence and the airplane to be at Carson City runway 27.
- Do a normal takeoff staying in the middle of the runway climbing at 60 knots (or recommended climb speed for aircraft). At the end of the runway do a left 30-degree bank left 90-degree turn to a south heading of heading 180. This is the “crosswind” leg of the pattern.
- Make another left hand turn 90 degrees to a heading of 90 degrees. This is the downwing leg of the pattern. Climb to pattern altitude 5700 feet and level off by reducing the throttle.
- New: Emergency Landing – When you get to mid field (the middle of the runway) on your downwind leg, reduce the power to idle and pretend you had an engine failure. Here you must glide back to the runway and make a sussesful landing with no power.
- First control the aircraft in the best glide speed (typical 60 Knots) and head to the runway.
- From your location on the runway and the wind, determine landing plan. Typically it be a 30 to 45 degree bank, 180 degree turn back to the same runway you took off at. Glide back to the best runway for the situation. Applly full flaps, at least for landing to slow you down as much as possible for a rough field landing. If you are not going to land succesfully, power up and do a go around. Contunue until you can succesfully stop the engine and glide back for a succesful landing.
- Only land the airplane if you can sucusfully do it. If the landing does not look good simply do a go around. This is a good, simple and easy maneuver to perform and a normal procedure for all pilots.
- New: Slip to landing from high approach– Set up the 3 mile final approach. Come in a little high and slip the airplane, left stick and right rudder. Keep the plane flying straight at the runway. Slip it down to about 300 feet above the runway and come out of the slip and land it normally. Practice this until you get it.
- New: Full flap Landing to short/soft field– Set up the 3-mile final approach. Come in a little high and apply full flaps, for the quickest descent apply the flaps immediately for a steeper descent adding all that drag. At least for short and rough field landings hold recommended flap approach speed (typically 55 knots) and slow the aircraft as much as possible by raising the nose and slowing down before the wheels touch. For soft field landing get the airplane moving so it does not get stuck. For soft/rough field landings you can use the side of the runway. Practice full flap descent/with slip if needed to descend quickest if needed, short field, soft field landings. For each successful landing do the same short/soft field takeoff.
- Add 10 to 15 knot south left-hand crosswind and perform the all the above/previous emergency, slip and flap cross wind landings.
- Add 10 to 15 knot north right-hand crosswind and perform the all the above/previous emergency, slip and flap cross wind landings.
- Set the maximum demonstrated crosswind for your aircraft in left and right directions and do a no flap landings for both crosswinds.
____ Emergency approach and landings (simulated engine-out)
____ Emergency approach and landings (actual engine-out)
____ Go-around procedures
____ Slips to landing
____ Short Field landing
____ Short Field Takeoff
____ Rough field landing
____ Rough field takeoff
____ max Crosswind no flap landing
Completion Standards:
This module is complete when the student can operate in emergency situations short and rough fields. Flight in patterns must be within 150 feet, 15 degrees, and +/- 10 knots, and coordination must be maintained at all times for the maneuvers.